BJ's AnD S&M
Named after the creator, Mike, four most frequent posters, Brittany, Jason, Anna, Sarah and newest member Dorothy.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOLY FUCKING SHIT BEST TRAILER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How could you guys not have mentioned this before? If you've never read Watchmen I must insist you do then watch this trailer.

The HD version let's you see a LOT of stuff you'd otherwise miss. Comedian on Night Owl's hovership for example. You know these people I just named because you read it RIGHT?!
posted by Mikael, Shady, God 4:49 AM

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

While we're on the subject of new things...
I've started work at my first real unit. My commander is pretty cool, and it's nice to finally be working rather than training. E'Lise finally got a job that she wanted rather than picking from the best of the lame jobs; a job that moves her towards her goals rather than away. We're renting a house in Fayetteville, NC and just got a washer and dryer (no more coin laundry!). Oh, and I have new shoes.
posted by Jason 4:28 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008

A betta fish named George. :-D I know the reference. Love it.

New things in my life? That'd require change. I'm still doing work and school and from time to time to I see people. Today was odd in that I managed to see two people. Jim and I saw Hellboy II (a midnight showing) which is worth seeing. We also had dinner with Dorothy Lee at Sweet Tomatoes which I hadn't been to in years. Exciting right? Oh Julia stopped by to lend me Changeling: The Lost a Storytelling game of beautiful madness. I don't know if I approve of glorifying madness though...
posted by Mikael, Shady, God 3:19 AM

Monday, July 07, 2008

New things in my life:

*Leaving Kenny after 3 years of dating
*Moving back in with my parents
*New car (1996 Saturn SC1)
*New sound system for car (10" sub, amp, face plate, and everything!)
*Leaving school
*In process of moving to a new position at the bank (Full time and more money)
*New boyfriend (almost 3 months)
*Leaving Fremont/new apartment on July 21 (in
*Vacation to Idaho starting tomorrow
*Less video games
*New laptop hard drive
*Reclaiming my kitten for the new apartment (my parents wouldn't let me have him)
*A new betta fish named George
*Stress levels seem to be less than average!
*New comic books to pick up every month
*StarCraft: the board game is AWESOME

My life is insane right now.
posted by Anonymous 11:56 PM

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